News & Events - The Distortion Gap: Policymaking under Federalism and Interest Group Capture

The Distortion Gap: Policymaking under Federalism and Interest Group Capture

April 2012
Christopher T. Giovinazzo and Ryan T. Moore
Publius (Spring 2012) 42(2): 189-210

Chris Giovinazzo is the co-author of “The Distortion Gap: Policymaking under Federalism and Interest Group Capture” in the spring 2012 issue of Publius: The Journal of Federalism (Oxford Journals).

Publius: The Journal of Federalism is the world's leading journal devoted to federalism. It is required reading for scholars of many disciplines who want the latest developments, trends, and empirical and theoretical work on federalism and intergovernmental relations.

Click here for a full text PDF of the article (subscription required)